Optimum design of tapered slot antenna profile

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An optimum antenna design is achieved by the adjustment of the following parameters: flare angle and throat width to reduce the antenna ringing as much as possible. For the 3.1–10.6 GHz operation, a tapered slot antenna design was developed. The design parameters of the proposed TSA and the fabricated parts are shown in Figure 1.

profile of the slot. Of all the designs illustrated in Figure 2.1 [90], only the Vivaldi [91] and linearly tapered profile [78] have been thoroughly studied over the past few years. Planar tapered slot antennas have two common features. The radiating slot acts as the ground plane for the antenna and the antenna is fed by a balanced slot line. Optimum Design of Traveling-Wave SIW Slot Array Antennas For an 8 times 8 SIW slot array antenna, the measured sidelobe levels (SLLs) are below -36 dB in the H-plane and below -25 dB in the E-plane with the Gain of 20.3 dB at 9.9 GHz. Stripline Fed Tapered Slot Antenna - atmsindia.org A tapered slot antenna uses a flared slot line etched on a dielectric substrate to produce an end-fire pattern from a surface wave. In this paper the development of a strip line fed tapered slot antenna has been presented. Relevant simulation and measurement results are also given. II. DESIGN OF THE ANTENNA Design of a Compact Tapered Slot Vivaldi Antenna Array for Design of a Compact Tapered Slot Vivaldi Antenna Array for See Through Concrete Wall UWB Applications. Yazhou Wang, Aly E. Fathy. EECS Department, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA ywang34@utk.edu. Abstract An optimized 1×8 Vivaldi antenna array designed for the lower-band UWB (2-4 GHz) through-wall imaging systems has been developed.

differential LNAs and to achieve optimal receiver sensitivity. A compromise solution ... employed exponentially tapered slot antennas (Vivaldi antennas, [2]). .... enlargement of the bandwidth, though a narrower scan pattern in the H-plane is to ...

Microsoft Word - 13-FP-114 fraction of a beam width, monopulse antenna is the chosen ISSN: 1748-0345 (Online)

Keywords: Conical slot antenna, VHF-UHF, security and civil protection applications. ... the design of special antennas to meet mobility as well as military bandwidth demands ... frequently limited to considerably less than optimal while maximum gain and pattern ... Tapered slot antennas are suitable for this purpose ([7],. [8]).

International Journal of Antennas and Propagation - Hindawi International Journal of Antennas and Propagation is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles on the design, analysis, and applications of antennas, along with theoretical and practical studies relating the propagation of electromagnetic waves at all relevant frequencies, through ... Optimum design of tapered slot antenna profile Title: Optimum design of tapered slot antenna profile: Authors: Oraizi, H.; Jam, S. Publication: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 51, issue 8, pp ...

Abstract: Endfire tapered slot antennas are suitable for many integrated circuit applications, imaging and phased arrays. We report on an investigation of single elements of such antennas, including slots which are exponentially tapered (Vivaldi), linearly tapered (LTSA) and constant width (CWSA).

Design of a novel bandwidth-enhanced double-slot TSA and


A Dual Polarized Tapered Slot Antenna Suitable ... - farr-research.com To satisfy these requirements, a tapered slot antenna. (TSA) looking ... than 70 ps . The maximum gain for both polarizations is between 0 and 10 dBi from 4 to 12 GHz. .... We begin with a description of the CSA, including its design principles. We then provide measurements of its return loss and antenna pattern. Finally, we  ...